Question: What do you do?
AIPSO is an anti-imperialist people's forum committed to the cause of peace and international cooperation. It is a democratic and multi-tendency organization. AIPSO stands for peace, disarmament and global security; for national independence, economic and social justice and development, for protection of the environment, gender equality, secularism, human rights and cultural heritage; solidarity with and support of those peoples and liberation movements fighting for the independence, sovereignty and integrity of their countries, and against imperialism.

Those are most important issues facing humanity and the planet.

Question: Is AIPSO affiliated to any international organization?
AIPSO is affiliated to World Peace Council (WPC). It is now a member of the WPC Secretariat
AIPSO is also a founder member of the Afro-Asian Peoples' Solidarity Organization (AAPSO).

Question: Would you please tell us about the WPC?
The World Peace Council (WPC) is an anti-imperialist, democratic, independent and non-aligned international movement of mass action. The WPC is guided by the words of its Founder President Frederic Joliot-Curie - "Peace is Everybody's Business".

Created in 1949-50, the WPC is the largest International Peace structure, based in more than 100 countries. The headquarters of the WPC is located in Athens, Greece.

As an NGO member of the United Nations, the WPC cooperates with UNESCO, UNCTAD, UNIDO, ILO and other UN specialized agencies, special committees and departments; with the Non-Aligned Movement as official observer, the African Union, the League of Arab States and other inter-governmental bodies. For further details you may visit:

Question: Are only Marxists/ Leftists enrolled as members?
No. AIPSO is a multi-tendency democratic organization. Both Marxists and non- Marxists, Leftists and non-Leftists work actively in the AIPSO.

People who do not even belong to any political party are also our members. "Peace is Everybody's Business" - is our motto.

Question: Can I be a member of the AIPSO?
Sure. If you are an Indian citizen, above the age of 15, support AIPSO's objectives and agree to abide by its constitution, you are certainly eligible to apply for AIPSO membership.

Question: Is there any provision of organizational membership?
Yes. A number of organizations are our members.

Question: What is the amount of your membership fees?
Rs. 50/- per head for Annual Membership.
Rs. 500/- per head for Life Membership.
Rs. 15/- per head for Organisational Membership

Question: Where do you get your sources from?
AIPSO West Bengal State Committee depends on membership fees and donations from our members and friends who support our causes.

Question: Do you publish any journal?
Yes. AIPSO, West Bengal State Committee regularly publishes a quarterly tabloid-size bulletin in Bengali, Pascimbanga Shanti-O-Sanhati Barta. We also publish booklets and folders on relevant subjects.

Question: I would like to submit an article to your bulletin. Can I do that?
Please send your article. That will be submitted to the editorial board immediately.

Question: Do you require or seek assistance? How can I help or get involved?
You are always welcome. We look forward to your help and support. You may apply for membership, join our programmes and encourage your friends to do so. You may help us publicizing our bulletins and publications. Please feel free to suggest new ideas so that we can implement our programmes better.

Question: Are You Anti-USA?
Not at all. It's a misconception. We are all for betterment of people to people friendship and solidarity. In fact we work in cooperation with US peace organizations and peace-loving American citizens. We only oppose the imperialist policies of the American government and their allies. American people are also against such policies.

Question: Can I email you if I have any further questions about AIPSO?
Certainly. We will be happy to answer any further query from you. You may mail to:

Question: Can I visit your office?
You are always welcome.

All India Peace & Solidarity Organisation, West Bengal State Committee

Call: 90381 05840 or Write:

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