Solidarity with CUBA

In Kathmandu (25-27 July 2019)

The ninth Asia-Pacific Regional Conference in Solidarity with Cuba, was held in Kathmandu, Nepal on July 25-27, 2019. This time, the delegates representing different progressive forces in Asia Pacific region gathered together in solidarity with Cuba while the world is preparing to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the heroic Cuban revolution. Therefore, the ideas the revolution stood for, the societal and world order it fought to achieve and the progressive, socialist and humanitarian initiatives it later on engaged both inside Cuba and in international level, were emphasised time and again throughout the conference. 154 delegates, including the 35 delegates from India, from 15 countries participated in this conference. It was for the first time that Nepal hosted the conference. Kunal Bagchi, AIPSO West Bengal State representative attend the Conference.

The opening ceremony of the conference was chaired by Pashupai Chaulagain, chief coordinator of the organising committee. Inaugural speech was delivered by Pushpa Kumar Dahal "Prachanda", Chairman of Nepal Communist party and the former prime minister of the country. In his speech, Prachanda highlighted the contributions of Cuba for the cause of progressive ideals and building of socialism. He pointed out that the international system has not been fully democratised and international institutions are not immune from power politics. Prachanda emphasised on the need for all progressive forces around the world to work together to achieve a fair and democratic world order. “Solidarity, unity and understanding among us is very important to advance our common agenda for peace, security and development in our countries and other parts of the world”, he said. Prachanda also articulated the Nepal?s journey to build a socialist society and the fundamental values upon which they are taking this project ahead.

Fernando Gonzalez Liort, president of ICAP and one of the Cuban five who was heading the Cuban delegation delivered a speech in the opening ceremony in which he explained the war of economic embargo unleashed by the US on Cuba and the unparalleled crisis this pulled down the country into. He elucidated on how the US government?s offensive against Cuba is getting stronger and the measures of the blockade against the country are intensifying, affecting the Cuban people and violating their legitimate right of development, despite the rejection almost unanimously, year after year, the United Nations manifested in front of this crime, in which the Trump Administration strives to prevail the old Monroe doctrine that establishes that Latin America belongs to the United States and intends to turn the region into its backyard. Fernando, who is also a member in the Cuban parliament, still expressed his hope on the progressive forces across the globe to join in resistance of the US onslaught on the sovereignty of the country. He reiterated that Cuba will continue fighting till the defeat of imperialism and the final victory will lay with those who work to build a world of equality and justice. While speaking in the opening session, Iraklis Tsavadaridis – executive secretary of world peace council, stated that the example of Cuba shows that the changes, transformations and revolutions are possible if the people united and coordinated are aiming at the root cause of the misery, exploitation, wars and occupation, against the system which is bearing the social injustice and the profits of the big capital.

Leaders of each participating delegation addressed the conference in the first session following the opening ceremony. Nilotpal Basu, Coordinator of the National Committee of Solidarity with Cuba in India, spoke on behalf of Indian delegation. He pointed out that the campaigns in solidarity with Cuba is not merely an act of expressing camaraderie with a country but an opportunity to sensitise our own Indian people the importance of fighting imperialism. He praised on Cuba?s keenness in sending the educators and doctors to the counties in distress, not the soldiers, thereby creating a counter narrative.

Two parallel sessions were held on the first day of the conference around the topics of "Intensification of solidarity with Cuba through regional and national media: working experiences with social networks" and "The resilience of the Cuban people after 60 year of revolution: Time to stop the blockade". Delegates from India actively participated in the discussions in both the sessions and contributed immensely to prepare the working commission papers which was presented before the conference on the next day. Nepal?s tourism board introduced the region?s geographical and cultural diversities and peculiarities to the delegates with a presentation,following the discussion in parallel sessions concluded.

Aleida Guevara, daughter of revolutionary Ernesto Che Guevara and a vibrant carrier of the legacy of Cuban revolution participated the conference throughout. Homage was paid to Che Guevara and 60 years of his visit to different countries in Asia was honoured. Aleida spoke to the delegates about her father?s two time visit to Asian countries and the notes he prepared about different experiences during the visit along with the political analysis of each country. Making a presentation with the photos captured during Che?s visits, many of which Che himself took, Aleida described how enthusiastically he was a true internationalist lived for the betterment of the whole humanity.

While presenting the working commission reports based on the discussions held in two parallel sessions on the first day, the representatives from each session emphasised how important to take the ideas of Cuban revolution and socialist building with much vigour and strength fighting the right-wing onslaught, be it in the form of economic and political sanctions or spreading of false propaganda. The commission report on media and social networking cites insisted that one of the core ideas of Cuban socialist experiment, the battle of ideas, to be taken forward to encounter the large scale of misinformation spreading around the world against Cuba. The reports stressed on the need to highlight, with regular and wide scale campaigns amongst the people, the achievements of Cuban society, specifically in the sectors of health care, education, social security and building of an alternative to the capitalist system, therefore the contribution of Cuba in developing a better democracy. The reports which also contributed in the making of the final declaration of the conference expressed the requirement to continue working for the widening the strengthening of the movement of solidarity with Cuba by involving the younger generations in each country, fighting for truth and keeping unity as the most important value of the actions.

Dr. Rajan Battarai, foreign affairs advisor of prime minister of Nepal described the fundamental principles on which Nepal is forming its foreign policy. He elaborated on how sovereignty of independent nations, mutual respect and peaceful coexistence are being the pillars of Nepal?s foreign policy. He also asserted the need to strengthen the solidarity between the socialist countries and progressive forces, in international level, to present an alternative world order countering to imperialism.

The final declaration of the ninth Asia Pacific regional conference in solidarity with Cuba was adopted on the second day, prior to the concluding session. The conference gave a call to celebrate the 66th anniversary of the assault to the Moncada barracks by revolutionary people led by Fidel Castro, as it was the action that ignited the engine of the revolution in Cuba and also to celebrate the 60th anniversary of Cuban revolution. The declaration congratulated the Cuban people and the new leaders of the revolution for the national referendum undergone and approved to update their constitution preserving the socialist ideas. It also reiterated the support to Cuba in process of updating their economic model aimed at developing the country by securing the social achievements of the revolution. The conference declared its complete support for the heroic government and the people of Cuba who have weathered many acts of aggression from successive US administrations for almost six decades now. Defending socialist Cuba is important part of keeping alive the hopes and dreams of building a truly human world- with freedom and resources in the hands of the people. It is also integral part of the struggle of the people of Asia Pacific region against the US imperialism that threatens peace and stability in the area by using regional and local conflicts and disputes. The conference thanked Cuba for their selfless solidarity with many people in the Asia Pacific region and their continuing assistance in education, health and sport. The conference denounced the hostile and aggressive policies of the US and demanded the end of unjust, illegal and criminal blockade imposed on Cuba causing damages to their population and affecting the interests and relations of Cuba with third world countries. The declaration opposed the implementation of Chapter III of the Helms Burton Act as it violates the international law and it is aimed to asphyxiate the Cuban economy. The conference also expressed its commitment to continue supporting the people across the world suffering the attacks by imperialist forces. It voiced solidarity with the Latin American and Middle east countries, especially Venezuela and Palestine, that are subjected to an intensification of the right wing forces in order to stop the advances achieved by the progressive countries.

The closing ceremony was chaired by Rajendra Prasad Pandey, Chief patron of the organising committee and the former minister of Nepal. Closing remarks were delivered by Madhav Kumar Nepal, senior leader of Nepal communist party and the former prime minister of the country. The delegates, reached at Kathmandu from various countries of Asia Pacific region ended the conference with receiving a token of love from the organising committee and enjoying a city tour organised by the same, and more importantly with a stronger political commitment for the cause of socialism and Cuban revolution.


Metropolitan Manila, Philippines (8-9 April 2017)

Jointly organised by the Philippine Organizing Committee and the and the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP). A total of 120 delegates from 18 countries such as, Australia, Bangladesh, Kingdom of Cambodia, Cuba, People's Republic of China, India, Japan, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal, New Zealand, Philippines, Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, Timor Leste, United States of America, and the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam joined the first conference.

Being the first Asia-Pacific Regional Conference to be held since the recent passing away of the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, Comandante Fidel Castro Ruz, this Conference pays tribute to Comandante Fidel.

This two-day event allowed the delegates to update on the reality of the Caribbean country, whose representatives referred to efforts to promote socio-economic development in the midst of blockade policy and to aspects of relations with the United States, among other topics.

The Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Dr Francisco Nemenzo thanked all the delegates for their enthusiastic response to the convening of the meeting. He also acknowledged the presence of the Cuban delegation chaired by the writer and journalist, Marta Rojas, ICAP Vice President Alicia Corredera, Cuban Ambassador to the Philippines, Ibete Fernández and ICAP Yexenia Calzado official.

In the closing session, ICAP Vice President Alicia Corredera thanked the organizing committee, led by Dr. Francisco Nemenzo, the participants and the government of the Philippines for the support to this event, whose inaugural session was attended by the Secretary of Health of the host country, Paulyn Jean B. Rosell-Ubial.

Following is the full text of the Manila Declaration:

Final Declaration of the 8th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference of Solidarity with Cuba, held in Metropolitan Manila, Philippines, on April 8 and 9, 2017.

"We, the delegates from Australia, Bangladesh, Kingdom of Cambodia, Cuba, People's Republic of China, India, Japan, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal, New Zealand, Philippines, Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, Timor Leste, United States of America, and the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam, gathered here in Metropolitan Manila, Philippines, on the occasion of the 8th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference of Solidarity with Cuba, hosted by the Philippine Organizing Committee and the Instituto Cubano de Amistad con los Pueblos (ICAP, the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples), declare as follows:

Being the first Asia-Pacific Regional Conference to be held since the recent passing away of the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, Comandante Fidel Castro Ruz, this Conference pays tribute to Comandante Fidel for his steadfast defense of the ideas of socialism - of independence, social justice and internationalism - which are continuously being carried forward by the Cuban Revolution. This Conference challenges the vain illusions of imperialist and other reactionary forces that the Cuban Revolution can now be reversed with the physical loss of Comandante Fidel.

We, the 120 delegates gathered here, representing the huge and multifaceted movements of solidarity with Cuba in the Asia-Pacific region, are aware that defending socialist Cuba is a most important part of keeping alive the hopes and dreams of building a truly humane world - with freedom and resources in the hands of the people.

We are well aware that the movement of solidarity with Cuba is an integral part of our own struggle against US imperialism that threatens peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region by using regional and local conflicts and disputes. This situation demands the united efforts of all nations -- through dialogue and peaceful means -- to realize peace, stability and progress in the region.

We express our complete support for, and solidarity with, the heroic government and people of Cuba who have weathered many acts of aggression from successive US administrations for almost six decades now.

We salute the Cuban government and people for their many achievements throughout 58 years of the revolution. Revolutionary Cuba is well known and appreciated throughout the world for selfless solidarity with many peoples in need, and for continued assistance today --- affording health and education to many peoples in developing countries, including those in our region.

At the same time:

- We demand the end of the unjust, illegal and criminal blockade imposed by the USA on Cuba, the largest commercial blockade in modern history, which imposes grave burdens on the Cuban people. This Conference notes that, for the very first time, even the USA and Israel had to abstain from voting against the annual (2016) U.N. General Assembly resolution condemning the blockade.

- We demand the return to Cuban sovereignty of the 117-square-kilometer territory of the Guantanamo Naval Base, located in the eastern part of Cuba and illegally occupied by the USA.

- We call for an end to "regime change" and other subversive programs against Cuba. We condemn the use of the mass media to portray the Cuban revolutionary process with a negative image. For this reason, we reaffirm our unequivocal commitment to promote awareness of the Cuban reality and the work of the Cuban government and people, by all possible means.

- We defend the independence, sovereignty and the right to self-determination of the Cuban people, as well as of all other peoples of the world. In this regard, we express our solidarity with the people of Venezuela suffering attacks from imperialist forces against their independence and sovereignty.

- We will continue working for the widening and strengthening of the movement of solidarity with Cuba in each of our countries, fighting for truth and keeping unity as the most important weapon of our actions.

This 8th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference of Solidarity with Cuba salutes the work of Comrade Kenia Serrano Puig as President of ICAP, which helped to broaden and strengthen the international movement of solidarity with Cuba during her term of 8 years. At the same time, this Conference warmly welcomes the election of the Hero of the Republic of Cuba, Fernando González Llort (one of the Cuban Five), as the new ICAP President.

We express our congratulations and thanks to the Philippine Organizing Committee, and to its two component organizations - the Philippines-Cuba Cultural and Friendship Association (PhilCuba), and the Philippine-Cuban Friendship Society (PCFS) - for their successful organization and hosting of this 8th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference of Solidarity with Cuba.

We express acknowledgement to the government of the Republic of the Philippines for the facilitation provided to the Philippine Organizing Committee in hosting this important event.

We also extend our best wishes to the Filipino people's continuing struggle against imperialism --- and for peace, freedom, justice, democracy, and socio-economic progress.

--- The Delegates to the 8th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference of Solidarity with Cuba, Metropolitan Manila, Philippines, April 9th, 2017



The Held in Hanoi, Vietnam (Venue: Melia Hanoi Hotel) on 8-9 September 2015 with the participation of 250 delegates from 18 countries.
Jointly organized by the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations (VUFO) and the Cuban Institute for Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP).
The conference was held in the context of Cuba's successes in external relations, including the resumption of diplomatic ties with the US and the reopening of embassies in the two countries over 53 years.
The highlight of the conference was the adoption of the Ha Noi Declaration, stating that "defending Cuba will keep alive the hope that a better world is possible".
Mr. Truong Tan Sang, President of the Socialist Republic of Viwtnam hosted a reception in Ha Noi on 9 September for foreign delegates to the 7th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference for Solidarity with Cuba.
During the two-day conference, participants will discuss the role of friendship-solidarity organisations with Cuba in removing economic-trade-financial embargos and seek measures to enhance solidarity movements with the Latin American country.
Delegates to the VII Asia-Pacific Regional Conference of Solidarity with Cuba from: Australia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Cuba, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, India, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Nepal, New Zealand, the Philippines, the Republic of Korea, South Africa, Sri Lanka, the United States and Vietnam./."
Antonio Guerrero Rodriguez, one of the five Cuban heroes imprisoned by the USA was present in the conference.

Delegates at the conference

Following is the full text of the Hanoi Declaration:


220 delegates representing 18 countries gathered in Hanoi, Vietnam, on the occasion of the VII Asia-Pacific Regional Conference of Solidarity with Cuba on September 8 th -9 th 2015, based on the ideals of sovereignty, independence and justice that characterized the Cuban Revolution, are aware that defending Cuba will keep alive the hope of a better world that is possible. We:

- strongly reject all acts and measures contrary to international law as the illegal economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed on Cuba by the government of the United States for more than five decades. We support the Cuban people and demand the immediate lifting of the inhuman blockade.

- recognise the historic significance of the announcement by Cuban President Raul Castro and US President Barack Obama on the restoration of diplomatic relations between Cuba and the United States, and the reopening of embassies in the capitals of the two countries. All of these are the result of resistance of the Cuban people and their heroic struggle and loyalty to the spirit and principles of their Revolution, as well as international solidarity with Cuba of fair-minded individuals, solidarity organisations, political groups and countries in Latin America, Asia-Pacific and other regions throughout the world.

- welcome the decision taken by the President of the United States of America, Barack Obama to exclude Cuba from the list of state sponsors of international terrorism where Cuba should never have been included.

- demand the return to the Cuban people of their territory of Guantanamo Naval Base, illegally occupied by the US in flagrant violation of Cuban sovereignty. Located at the eastern part of Cuba, it is still being used as a prison and torture center.

- reaffirm our commitment to continue spreading the truth about Cuban realities, the process of updating the economic and social model and their socialist Revolution, using all discussion spaces available, including the media and alternative sources and to counter the manipulated and negative information about Cuba. Each disinformation campaign against Cuba should be matched with a response by the international solidarity movement and especially by friends of Cuba from the Asia-Pacific region.

- defend the right of the Cuban people to full independence, sovereignty, self-determination and non-interference in their internal affairs.

- will continue working together for the strengthening and expansion of the solidarity movement with Cuba in each of our countries and fighting for truth, keeping unity as an essential value of our work.

- reaffirm our commitment to continue working for a world of peace, stability, solidarity, cooperation, and prosperity. All nations are entitled to equal rights. Disputes should be resolved peacefully on the basis of the United Nations Charter, conventions and resolutions without coercion.

- welcome the release of the heroic Cuban Five and are delighted to embrace and discuss with one of them, Antonio Guerrero Rodriguez, for whose freedom all of us and organizations of solidarity with Cuba worldwide have fought for many years.

Participants in the VII Asia-Pacific Regional Conference of Solidarity with Cuba salute the 70th anniversary of the Proclamation of Vietnam's Independence and the 55th anniversary of the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP).

Especially we congratulate and deeply thank the Government and Communist Party of Vietnam, the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations and the Vietnam-Cuba Friendship Association for the warm hospitality and excellent organisation of the VII Regional Conference. We want to express our firm solidarity with the people of Vietnam in their struggle in defense of their national independence and sovereignty and for a peaceful and stable regional environment to build a more prosperous and beautiful country.

Delegates to the VII Asia-Pacific Regional Conference of Solidarity with Cuba from: Australia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Cuba, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, India, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Nepal, New Zealand, the Philippines, the Republic of Korea, South Africa, Sri Lanka, the United States and Vietnam."



The Asia-Pacific region covers an area from Mongolia in the north to New Zealand in the south, and from Central Asia and the Islamic Republic of Iran in the west to Kiribati in the east. The region is generally divided into five subregions, namely South Asia, Southeast Asia, Northeast Asia, Central Asia, and the Pacific.

Alternatively, the term sometimes comprises all of Asia and Australasia as well as Pacific island nations. The term has become popular since the late 1980s in commerce, finance and politics though the economies within the region are heterogeneous.

The countries within a subregion often share a natural and socio-cultural background, and experience similar environmental problems. The Asia-Pacific region covers a wide geographical area, with diverse landscapes, climates, societies, cultures, religions, and economies. More than half of the world's population lives in this region, of which close to half live on less than a dollar per day. Hence, the region contains the world's largest number of people living in poverty.


The First World Meeting of Friendship and Solidarity with Cuba was held in Havana, Cuba from 21 to 25 November 1994. Delegates from 109 countries joined the conference reflecting wide support for Cuba. The conference appealed to broaden the solidarity moves by holding regional conferences across the globe. The Asia-Pacific Regional Conference of Solidarity with Cuba (APRCSC) has been an outcome of the 1994 Havana Conference. Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP) took initiative to co- host such conclaves.

Iinstituto Cubano de Amistad con los Pueblos The Cuban Institute for Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP)

Address:I St, No. 304, between 15 and 17, Vedado. Havana. Cuba Website:

Founded in 1960, the ICAP is an NGO established soon after the early successes of the Cuban revolution to strengthen the bonds of friendship and solidarity between the peoples of the world. From the beginning, ICAP helped coordinate the International Brigades which came from around the world to support Cuba through aid in agriculture, construction and other parts of the economy. Now they continue to facilitate visits and exchanges between friendship organizations. The Institute organizes delegations for international groups to visit Cuba. The Casa de la Amistad, or Friendship House, run by ICAP, organizes social and cultural events and exchanges. ICAP also receives and distributes humanitarian aid from international solidarity groups.

It was the National Committee for Solidarity with Cuba (NCSC) of India which came forward to host the first Asia-Pacific Regional Conference of Solidarity with Cuba. Kolkata was selected as the venue. The successful holding of successive such conferences reflects further strengthening of anti-imperialist solidarity in the Asia Pacific region.

Each APRCSC discusses primarily two topics, such as, the â?~Economic Blockade Against Cubaâ?T and the â?~Role of Media in Strengthening Solidarity with Cuban Peopleâ?T.

The world today is witnessing growing resistance to the desperate unilateralist moves of the USA and strengthening of the trend towards multipolarity in the international arena. The situation has undoubtedly created a climate for success of the Cuba solidarity movement and to help broaden its appeal and scope.

There is a perceptible link between our national interest and the movement of solidarity with Cuba. The Cuba solidarity movement is a strong component of mass action against imperialist globalisation. Thereby it is sure to serve the interest of people in various countries.

Cuba is not alone. The peoples of the world stand by Cuba.


Netaji Indoor Stadium, Kolkata, India
22-24 September 1995
Jointly organised by National Committee for Solidarity with Cuba, India and the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP).
Inaugurated by Mr. Jyoti Basu, Chief Minister, Government of West Bengal

Over 160 delegates from 12 countries joined the first conference. The largest conference delegation, of 70, joined from India and 40 delegates came from Sri Lanka. Delegates included members of parliaments, representatives of political parties and youth organisations, trade unions and university officials. Also present were representatives of Cuba solidarity and friendship organizations in the region, including from Australia, China, Laos, New Zealand, North Korea, and Vietnam. Sergio Corrieri, President of the Cuban Institute for Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP) pointed to the importance of this first such gathering in the region at a 10,000-strong opening rally. "You give further evidence that Cuba is not alone in its long and difficult battle and that there are millions of people throughout the world ready to support and defend the equity and justice that must guide normal coexistence among nations, regardless of their wealth, size, or population," he said.

The conference concluded with another rally, with some 6,000 people turning out. "We're asked how far are we going in our economic reforms," Corrieri told the crowd. "We say as far as necessary, but with limits. These limits are our revolution, our independence, our people's power, and our country - and for us people's power and independence are the same thing." In a final declaration, delegates condemned this attack against Cuba for hitting "at the very basis of the fundamental right of the Cuban people to decide their destiny." It called for the immediate lifting of the blockade. An "Asia-Pacific Solidarity Day against the U.S. Blockade of Cuba" was set for Nov. 27, 1995.

[Based on a report by Janet Roth published in the newspaper, The Militant,Vol.59/No.39 , October 23, 1995. Janet Roth joined the Kolkata conference as a delegate on behalf of the Cuba Friendship Society in Auckland, New Zealand]


Hanoi , Vietnam
12-14 June 1997
Jointly organised by Vietnam-Cuba Friendship Association and Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP).


Chennai, India
20-21 January 2006
Jointly organised by National Committee for Solidarity with Cuba, India and the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP).

Nearly 200 delegates representing more than 100 organisations from 17 countries of the Asia-Pacific, gathered in Chennai, the capital of Tamilnadu.


Sri Lanka Foundation Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka Date: 14-15 June 2008 Jointly organised by Sri Lankan National Committee for Solidarity with Cuba and the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP).

Nearly 400 delegates including those from Sri Lanka participated in the conference. 83 of them were foreign delegates. They came from 18 nations of Asia-Pacific Region. Besides Cuba, China, Vietnam, India, Laos, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, Cambodia, Indonesia, Nepal, Myammar, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Phillipines, New Zealand etc. With 40 delegates, India was the largest contingent of foreign delegates. From West Bengal, Mr Shyamal Chakrabarty, MP, Mr. Madan Ghosh, Mr. Rabin Deb (Secretary, AIPSO, West Bengal State Unit), Mr. Sridip Bhattacharya ,Mr. Abhas Roy Choudhury took part in the Colombo conference. The inaugural session of Sri Lankan Foundation Institute and the Public meeting at John Da Silve Memorial Hall. The inaugural session of Sri Lankan Foundation Institute and the Public meeting at John Da Silve Memorial Hall were chaired by heads of foreign delegations which included A Vijaya Raghavan, Convener of the National Committee for Solidarity with Cuba, India . Notable amongst the dignitaries was Dr Ismael Clark, president of Academy of Science of Cuba and head of the Cuban delegation. The chief guest for the opening session was Maithroopala Sirioona, General Secretary of Sri Lankan Freedom Party and Minister of Agriculture. Dinesh Gunawarden, leader of Mahajana Eksath Peramuna and Sri Lankan Minister for Urban Development was chairman of the reception committee. He delivered the welcome speech. Vijaya Raghavan greeted the conference on behalf of the Indian delegation.


Conference Hall of the International Cooperation and Training Centre, Vientiane, Laos
19-20 March, 2010
Jointly organised by Lao-Cuba Friendship Association (LCFA) and the Cuban Institute for Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP).

Around two hundred delegates from friendship associations, solidarity groups and multifaceted movements in Australia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, DPR Korea, India, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, New Zealand, the Philippines, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Timor Leste, Vietnam and the World Peace Council attended the meet. CPI(M) Central Secretariat member A Vijaya Raghavan, MP, who is also convener of National Committee for Solidarity with Cuba (NCSC), led the Indian contingent. Among the other Indian delegates, Professor S N Bera (Anjan) and RYF joint secretary Anjan Mukherjee represented the All India Peace and Solidarity Organisation (AIPSO). Dr M Narasingh, Sreerama Krishnan (DYFI), K Murugan (AIYF), P Birju (SFI) represented the NCSC. Ganeshan Devarajan joined on behalf of the AIFB. All delegates took part in the deliberations and shared experiences with others, including a brief but encouraging discussion with Dr Charlene Yiapaoheu, president of the Lao-Cuba Friendship Association and Lao minister of justice. World Peace Council executive secretary Iraklis Tsavdaridis too was present in the two-day conference and reiterated full support of the WPC for socialist Cuba.


Auditorium of the Centre for Banking Studies of Central Bank of Sri Lanka (Adjoining the Conference Hotel Sovereign), Colombo, Sri Lanka
20-21 October 2012

Jointly organized by the National Preparatory Committee of Sri Lanka and the Cuban Institute for Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP)

The Sixth conference was originally scheduled on 22-25 June 2012 at Phnom Penh, the capital city of the Kingdom of Cambodia. But it was cancelled at the last moment. The programme was shifted to Colombo. The inaugural session was chaired by Mr. Dinesh Gunawardena, Minister of Water Supply and Drainage and President of the National Preparatory Committee of Sri Lanka and President of the Sri Lanka â?" Cuba Friendship Society. Delegates from 22 countries took part in the Colombo conference.


Asia Pacific Region

Cuba Friendship Society, New Zealand
Australia-Cuba Friendship Society
DemocraticSocialistPartyCubaSolidarity (Australia)
Solidarity with Cuba Campaign (Japan)
AIPSO (India)

Relevant Cuban websites

Cuban Institute for Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP)
National Committee to Free the Cuban Five ( Cuba)
Anti-Terrorism Cuba)
CubaWeb (Cuban Portal to numerous sites)
Free the Five ( Cuba)
Granma (Cuba's main daily newspaper)
Prensa Latina
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of
Cuba Truth Project (Cuba)
CUBADEBATE. Contra el Terrorismo Mediático


National Network on Cuba/ NNOC (USA)
CubaSolidarity NY (USA)
Milwaukee Coalition to Normalize Relations with Cuba (USA)
No War on Cuba (Washington D.C.,USA)
Project InfoMed (USA)
Seattle/Cuba Friendship Association (USA)
Veterans Delegations to Cuba (USA)


Canadian Network on Cuba ( Canada)
Canadian-Cuban Friendship Association ( Canada)
Nova Scotia(Canada)
Amigos de Cuba (Canada)
Canada Cuba (Canada)
Vancouver Communities in Solidarity with Cuba ( Canada)

Latin America

Cuba Solidarity (Trinidad and Tobago)
Amigos de Cuba ( Argentina)
Cubasolidaridad (Mexico)
Amigos de Cuba (Peru)


Cuba Solidarity Campaign ( London, UK)
Blackpool and Fylde Solidarity Campaign( UK)
Scottish Cuba Solidarity Campaign ( Scotland, UK)
Cuba Support Group ( Ireland)
Cuba Solidarity Project (France)
Associazione Nazionale di Amicizia Italia-Cuba (Italy)
Comitatodisolidarietàper Cuba-La Villetta(Italy)
Free the Five (Italy)
Cuba y Cuba (Italy)
Cubanismo (Belgium)
Dansk-Cubansk Forening ( Denmark)
Suomi-Kuuba-Seura (Finland)
Netzwerk-Cuba (Germany)
Freundschaftsgesellschaft BRD-Kuba e.V. (Germany)
Associacao de Amizade Portugal-Cuba ( Portugal)
Associaciójosémartídâ?Tamistatambcubavalència ( Spain)
Coordinadora Estatal de Solidaridad con Cuba ( Spain)
Euskadiâ?"Cuba ( Spain)
Defensem Cuba ( Spain)
ongsodepaz:CUBA ( Spain)
Solidaridad con Cuba ( Spain)
Solidaritat amb Cuba ( Spain)
Tiempo de Cuba ( Spain)
Elak - Svensk-Kubanska Föreningen (Sweden)
Svensk-Kubanska Föreningen (Sweden)
Camaquito â?" Cuba (Switzerland)
Asociación Suiza-Cuba (Switzerland)
MediCuba â?" Suisse (Switzerland)
Latin America Solidarity Centre ( Dublin,Ireland)


Friends of Cuba Society (South Africa)

All India Peace & Solidarity Organisation, West Bengal State Committee

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