
All India Peace and Solidarity Organization

The All India Peace and Solidarity Organization (AIPSO), largest such organization in India,  is an anti-imperialist, democratic and multi-tendency people’s forum committed to the causes for peace and international cooperation across the globe.
AIPSO has been affiliated to the World Peace Council (WPC). AIPSO is also a founder member of the Cairo-based Afro-Asian Peoples' Solidarity Organization (AAPSO).
AIPSO is active   in the Asia Pacific Regional Conference in Solidarity with Cuba. In fact, the inaugural Asia Pacific Regional Conference in Solidarity with Cuba was held in September 1995.
The State of West Bengal has always been a special place in the anti- imperialist peace and solidarity movement in India. The AIPSO West Bengal State Committee is one of the strongest state units of the organization.

We recollect with pride that the Father of Indian Renaissance, Raja Rammohan Roy (1772-1830) expressed his support  as early as in the 1820s for the people of Latin America fighting against the Spanish colonial rule under the able leadership of Simon Bolivar.
The organized movement of various sections of the Indian people in post-First World War period in particular had begun to stand firmly in solidarity with the peoples fighting against colonial subjugation in Africa and Asia. C R Das, one of the greatest leaders of the Indian freedom struggle, urged to form an Asian Federation in his presidential speech at the All India Congress Session in 1921. During the 1930s, the Indian National Congress, the broad platform of various trends of the national liberation struggles organized ‘Abyssinia Solidarity Movement’. Indian people supported the cause of Spanish people’s fight against Nazism. The Indian National Congress sent a Medical Mission to China in 1937 when the Chinese people had been fighting against Japanese aggression.
When the Second World War broke out, the people of India had organized a broad-based anti-fascist movement. The organization like ‘Friends of the Soviet Union’ (FSU) played a historic role during the period.
The people of India extended their whole-hearted support for the people of Indo-China and deplored the machinations of French colonial power.
It was quite natural that Indian people welcomed the decision to form the World Peace Council (WPC) and took part in its activities during 1948-49.

Provincial Peace Conference
Kolkata, 1949
The First Bengal Provincial Peace Conference was held on 4-7 November 1949.
The Second Provincial Peace Conference was held in West Bengal on 4-6 May 1951 at Mohammad Ali Park, Kolkata. A standing committee was also formed from the Second Provincial Peace Conference. Dr. Meghnad Saha was elected president of the committee.

All India Peace Conference
Kolkata, 1949
The First All India Peace Conference held in Kolkata, West Bengal, on 24-26 November 1949.
The situation as it was emerging called for giving the peace movement in India an organized shape to ensure a more effective role.

All India Peace Council  formed
It was at the second All India Peace Conference, held in Mumbai on 11-14 May 1951; the All India Peace Council (AIPC) was formed. Dr. Saifuddin Kitchlew, veteran Congress leader and freedom fighter was elected first President of the AIPC. Dr.  Kitchlew was also elected Vice President of the WPC soon after.

Afro-Asian Solidarity
With the resurgence of freedom struggle in Asia, with country upon country fighting courageously against US imperialism, as preparations on government levels were being made for Bandung, the AIPC  took the initiative under Rameshwari Nehru’s leadership to call a conference of Asian countries in Delhi in April 1955 (on the event of Bandung). The peace committees of China, Japan, Sri Lanka (then Ceylon), Vietnam and USSR rendered special support. The conference called for close ties at all levels and in various fields among the Asian countries. It set up the ‘Committee for Asian Solidarity’ with headquarters in Delhi to work in close cooperation with the AIPC.
The Indian Committee for Asian Solidarity significantly contributed to the formation of the  Afro-Asian Peoples’ Solidarity Organization (AAPSO) in 1957.
The AIPC also joined the Organization of Solidarity with the People of Asia, Africa and Latin America (OSPAAAL) when it was founded in Havana, Cuba in January 1966.

All India Peace and Solidarity Organisation
Till 1972, the AIPC and the ‘Indian Committee for Afro-Asian Solidarity’ functioned separately and had organized national as well as state and district conferences. The two committees decided to jointly from the present All India Peace and Solidarity Organisation (AIPSO) through a joint conference held from 20 to 24 September 1972 in Kolkata.
The history of AIPSO is the history of tremendous contribution towards movement for peace, disarmament, development and solidarity with people of Asia, Africa and Latin America.

Overcoming the Odds
The debacle of socialism in the erstwhile Soviet Union and in East Europe and subsequent strengthening of imperialist hegemony made the situation difficult also for the peace movement around the globe. The AIPSO had to face a very difficult situation during the 1990s. However, AIPSO has fought back the odds. It also contributed towards rejuvenating the WPC as a global forum.
The organization is also actively participating in the Asia Pacific Regional Conference in Solidarity with Cuba since 1995.
In recognition of its active role, AIPSO has been elected a member of the WPC Executive Committee from Caracas (Venezuela) Session (April 2008) of the Assembly of World Peace Council.
AIPSO believes that the situation in India provides peace-loving people with ample opportunities to mobilize the people throughout the country against the forces of communalism and fascism to defend democracy, secularism, tolerance etc; campaign against imperialist globalization and for self-reliant economy; for better relations with our neighbouring countries for peace and stability in the region; to build strong solidarity movement for the people fighting against imperialist hegemony.
The AIPSO supports the secular forces for their struggle against communal fascism for adopting a new path of secular democracy and a path of development with social justice.

Revived State Organisation, 2007
Since the Patna National Conference of AIPSO held on 7- 9 April, 2007, the West Bengal State Committee of the AIPSO has been playing an active role in mobilizing masses from different walks of life in the peace movement and to give it a broadest possible shape. The State Committee was formed before the Patna Conference with Mr. Rabin Deb as Convener.
The reorganized branch of West Bengal successfully organized the Indo-Vietnam Friendship Festival in Calcutta on 2-4 September 2007. The festival was inaugurated by then Foreign Minister Mr. Pranab Mukherjee. Legendary Vietnamese  leader Madam Bin was present as the chief guest. Mr. Jyoti Basu, former Chief Minister of West Bengal chaired the session.
The AIPSO West Bengal State Unit organized a state-level convention on 30 September 2012 at the Darbhanga Hall, Calcutta University. The delegates were elected for the AIPSO National Conference (5-6 October 1912)
The first West Bengal State Conference of the AIPSO was held on 29 March 2013 at Keshub Memorial Hall, Victoria Institution (College). Eminent magician Mr. P C Sorcar (Junior) inaugurated the conference. A new State Committee was elected. Prof. Saumendranath Bera (Anjan), Prof. Binayak Bhattacharya and Mr. Ajoy Agnihotri were elected General Secretaries of the State Committee.

The second West Bengal State Conference of the AIPSO was held on 18 December 2016 at Keshub Memorial Hall, Victoria Institution (College). Mr. Justice(Retd) Chittatosh Mukerjee inaugurated the conference. More than 400 delegates attended the conference. Prof. S N Bera (Anjan), General Secretary (Coordinator) placed the report on which the delegates took part in the discussion. The report along with the audited account was passed unanimously. The State Committee members and the Patrons were elected unanimously. Prof. S N Bera (General Secretary-Coordinator), Prof. Binayak Bhattacharya and Mr. Prabir Banerjee were elected General Secretaries of the State Committee
The Third State Conference of the AIPSO was held 15 December 2019 at Keshub Memorial Hall, Victoria Institution (College). Mr. Justice (Retd) Samaresh Banerjea inaugurated the conference. Nearly 450 delegates and observers and guests attended the conference.   The State Committee members and the Patrons were elected unanimously. Prof. S N Bera (General Secretary-Coordinator), Prof. Binayak Bhattacharya and Mr. Prabir Banerjee were re- elected General Secretaries of the State Committee.

Today AIPSO units are active across West Bengal with participation from all major non-communal political parties and combinations, members of parliament and state assemblies, mass organizations/ trade unions covering workers, women, teachers, youth, bank employees, students, peasants and agricultural workers as well as professional bodies of physicians, writers, lawyers, engineers, technologists, and scientists.
AIPSO is poised to emerge as a stronger and more representative forum of the Indian people and to play further its due role in shaping the alternative that inspires a new just and sustainable world order.

If you are an Indian citizen, above the age of 15, accept AIPSO’s objectives and agree to abide by its constitution, you are eligible to become a member of the AIPSO.

Similarly, any organization, which agrees with the aims and objectives of AIPSO, is extended affiliation as an associate member.

Individual Membership:
Annual Membership: Rs. 50/- per head
Life Membership: Rs. 500/- per head

All India Peace & Solidarity Organisation, West Bengal State Committee

Call: 90381 05840 or Write: bengalaipso@gmail.com

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